Over the past decade, Multivista has documented +300 million square feet of 3D scanning projects for +2700 architects, general contractors, and developers worldwide.
Unlike other providers, we have +500 local team members on the ground in +500 cities to advise you on the best service to suit your needs, inform you about timelines and processes.
As part of the Hexagon family, we work closely with our sister companies like Leica Geosystems giving us access and insight into the latest in reality capture technology.
With a +20 year track record in the construction reality capture industry, we have the experience to meet your expectations, and surpass them.
Our local Multivista teams provide expert services in 3D laser scanning and scan to services. With a vast knowledge and experience, our teams can advise on best practices and methods to effectively digitize your as-built environment to meet your project requirements and solve costly problems.
Thousands of clients worldwide, ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies and government entities, have placed their trust in Multivista to provide 3D scanning services for a variety of use cases.
Tell us how can we help you.
Office location
The Future Works, 2 Brunel Way, Slough, SL1 1FQGive us a ring
0333 339 9713Send us an email
[email protected]Other website